Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Different People
I love that song. Lately, I've been talking to some people I either hadn't talked to in a long time, or at all before. The frequency of talking to some others who I have been talking to regularly have also lessened, and for that I am really sad about.
A long time ago, a young and lonely kid called a girl on her birthday, telling her how he felt for her. Truth be told, the words he uttered were probably a little melodramatic, but they grew into truth eventually. They saw the world evolve around them, and each other grow into different people. The problem was that they remained in love with what they were before and not who they became and continued to become.
It's a common situation, listening to some people talk, even if it sounds basic. But why?
We all have our ideals, of course. That's a given. But what I guess many don't see is that we also often form our own idealized perceptions of certain people. I'm guilty of that. Especially so. While perspective is important, it's also at least equally important to be able to recognize that things aren't what you want them to be, but what they are. People change.
Not totally, though.
More than one person has told (warned?) me about how they're apparently different people as friends and as partners or significant others. Really? Why?
If your partner is your friend - even your best friend - then why is this so?
To me, if that happens you got to look at the situation you're in. If you're different people with different people, perhaps you should ask yourself which person you prefer. We're all in control of our destinies, even if that locus of control sometimes seems to be in the hands of other parties like our folks, employers or the like. You can choose who you want to be, can't you? What's the point in making any decisions if you can't?
When the kid was with the girl he grew up with, he started growing up himself. After some time, he realized that there was more to life than being a quiet boy that played chess and Fifa 99 all day over a crappy dial up modem. He could meet friends who weren't the girl's, and that he actually wanted to be someone else. The girl was, and still is, a fantastic person. They were happy, truly. But he wasn't him.
It's hard being who you're not, tiring and trying.
Eventually, things got out of hand, and the weariness and other things combined to break them apart. Good choice? Right now it seems that way, though the memories are still very much treasured.
So now the kid is a little older, hopefully somewhat wiser. He's become someone else, as have we all. Right now that kid and the girl have become people they never thought they'd become, I'm sure. Having seen, said and done things that neither expected even a few years ago, one wonders what the future holds.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
I'm All Write
Still, I find it helps. Sometimes by putting things down in words it's very cathartic, and sometimes it just distracts you from whatever's on your mind.
I know it's weird to say that, since for so many (that I know, at least), writing involves thinking. Sometimes it does, of course, but often times my stuff involves very little brain work.
Hence the rambling, error-rich and nonsensical nature of the majority of my posts.
It's hard when you can't write everything though.
A Journey
Drove a long, long way today. Restless hearts sleep alone tonight.
Good day, I think. Maybe. Not sure. Hold on to that feeling.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
"It's ok, God will save him."
This entry probably won't sit too well with some who frequent this space, but then I'm not exactly known for bending over for others. Not gonna mention names, but read on at your peril.
As a stupid, younger, chubbier, less hairy version of myself, I used to go to a religious school/class after "normal" school, twice a week. This was a run-down building, moss-covered and with carpets smelling like old people and old people smelling like carpets. Didn't help that the said old people were the ones running the joint, and they sought to impart their glorious wisdom onto the younger and open-minded generation. Which included my sister and I.
First thing? It was all in Malay. Big obstacle and turn off right there. I kid you not when I say that half the time I had no clue what was going on, and to say that I was going through the motions is being more accurate than the actual phrase suggests. What, God can't understand English? That's bullshit
Didn't help, of course, that most of the students there, looking back, were just shorter and squeakier versions of the tapered-jeans floater-cap mats that you see prowling around, looking for corners to commandeer. Didn't really fit in. They knew it, I knew it, and it was painfully obvious to this chubby Chinese-looking boy that the other very Melayu boys weren't gonna actively invite him to play football with them.
But what of the lessons, the teachings from the sacred texts that have guided our lives thus far? The experience through the years at Muhammadiyah, "private" mengaji lessons at home with neighbors, and even somewhat enforced group sessions with my extended family or former significant other only reinforced the idea incepted (I had to, sorry) so long ago.
Organized religion is a farce, at best, and Islam might be the joke of the lot.
Advocates of the Islamic way will point at the "advancements" that the culture has brought to the world in terms of technology, mathematics, architecture, music, art and other aspects of life, and I for one cannot and will not dispute or refute that. Certainly. But then almost every culture or religion has brought good and bad to the table we sit at now. I'm not even going to start on the whole terrorist angle, because that's really over-hyped in the media already, and I could go on and on and on about the atrocities committed in the name of any religion even without saying what I wanted to originally.
In this day and age, one of the biggest facets of Islam that disturb me the most is the way women are treated. We've all seen and made jokes about ninjas when seeing Muslim women dressing up like tents, and to be honest, I laugh almost every time even though I'm (technically) Muslim as well. Why? Because it's ridiculous to treat them like that, and they - man and woman alike - are jokes. The fact that France have banned the burka (or burqa?) and other countries are seriously looking to do the same might enrage the clerics and zealots that wish to see the flowing ninja robes of the women, but honestly, in the sweltering heat of summer (or the eternal summer of Singapore), would you actually want to don such a get up? I can't even wear a songkok for an hour without wanting to rip it off and burn it while doing a merry jig. Muslim women are treated as subordinates, at best, and are otherwise seen as lesser beings. That's bullshit.
Then there's the thing that got me thinking about it all in the first place. I can't even remember who told me this, but since then I've been told that it's more common across other religions than I previously thought as well; that anyone who is not a Muslim will burn in hell for all eternity, and those who are, whoever they may be, will transcend to heaven eventually. For the sake of functionality, one can substitute "Muslim" with something like "Christian" or whatever for the same effect, but you get my picture. You've heard it before. So my aged ustazah is trying to tell me that right now at this very moment in time, people like Mother Theresa and Princess Diana are being slow-roasted while rapists, pillagers and plunderers are enjoying their time up there because they glanced at the Arabic version of the Bible? That's bullshit.
See that's the other thing that got me thinking. Yes, I over-think. The three Abrahamic religions are too similar for any of them to be the "true" one, in my mind. Of course, one can argue that one is the real thing and the other two are cheap knock-offs, but it's just as, if not more likely that they're just three strikingly similar interpretations of the same hand-written and Man-written book originally penned as a way to control the masses with stories of doom and a higher power. Adam and Eve? Check. Noah and the flood? Check. Crucifixion? Check. Angels and demons? Check, even before Dan Brown. Even the names are the same. Adam, Nuh, Jibril, Mikhail correspond to Adam (duh), Noah, Gabriel and Michael exactly. And that's just off the top of my unlearned head. That's bullshit.
Everyone has the divine right (ironically) to live their lives the way they should. I get that, accept that, advocate and encourage that. It's just that when religion enters the picture, or is shoved down your throat by overzealous preachers (some priests shove other things down your throats, right?) and bigots, more often than not that freedom of will is forfeit. You're not letting those women be free. You're not letting congregates accept people with differing views as actual people, you're not even trying to be that different when ostracizing the rest of the world. That's bullshit.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
I'll make it up to you.
Of course, if you don't get anything after thinking this is to you, you're probably not some of those people. Tough.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Wrote this a while back, but never finished it until tonight.
Done a lot of things in the past year or so. Good things, bad things, big things, stupid things.
I don't regret all the bad or stupid things I've done, seeing as how "bad" and "stupid" are all relative anyway. Some might argue differently, but then everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
I don't regret not telling certain people certain things. Even if they knew already.
I don't regret telling certain people certain things. They deserved to know. Even if they knew already.
I don't regret taking the time and effort to be a productive part of the school. Many thought it a waste, but I didn't.
I don't regret not being able to go to New York. Things worked out better this way.
I don't regret walking away from some people. Had to be done, and it should have been done sooner in some instances.
I don't regret cutting people off. After everything that's been said and done.
I don't regret spending a ridiculous amount of time on football and writing non-academic material. Looks like it got me a sweet ESPN gig.
I don't regret studying in an institution classed outside the "Top Three" in Singapore. I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
I don't regret getting involved with a few people. Except one.
I don't regret the friends I've made and kept.
I don't regret going down a road that promised only disappointment, because it gave more than that.
I don't regret being who I am, even if I sometimes wish that person was good enough for others.
I don't regret being "gutsy" and honest and even sneaky, with weirdly colored letters.
I don't regret the tough decisions.
I don't regret being slapped in public.
I don't regret spending obscene amounts of time and money on certain people.
I don't regret any of what I've written or drawn, even if some think otherwise.
"What if you could wake up tomorrow morning and not like her that much anymore?"
"Not be in love with her anymore? A huge part of me wants that, wishes it could be true. But I don't think I want to."
"Why? It's making you so sad now"
"Because I don't regret falling for her, as pointless and painful as it's been. She's made me happier than I can remember, and I'll never regret that."
"I hope you understand what that means."
"I do, but I'm sorry, I can't be who you want me to be."
"I know. I want you to be you, but mine. You can't be both. That's one thing I do regret."
Said something a couple of nights ago I regret, though it feels true again.
Someone mentioned how I seem to have so many secrets, or at least know so many. Perhaps they're both true. Maybe I should let some out. Maybe some are more obvious than you might think, too.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
"I've tried to, for months, and almost every night I go to bed very sad."
"Because everyday since this has begun I've tried to show her that if she'll give me a chance, I can make her happier than she wants to be, and everyday she tells me not to."
"She doesnt know how lucky she is."
"It's different from the other girls before her, no one has made me want to bother or try as much."
"What makes her so special? I'm curious."
"For the longest time, since I started thinking about girls, at least, I've had this girl in my head or dreams. No name or face. Just her character, personality, other things. Everyone before fit that image a little, but had a lot of things which didn't match at all. Then she came along, and the more I got to know her the more I saw she was that girl I've always dreamt of."
The Greatest Show on Earth
Bird-watcher, star-gazer
House-gawker, shoe-hunter
Word-weaver, smile-stealer
Walk-taker, blog-stalker
Time-bender, rule-breaker
Dream-hider, back-cracker
Song-catcher, heart-breaker
Surprise, Surprise
Keep waking up hoping that things will fall into place, but it only seems to fall apart.
Been putting off celebrating my birthday with my oldest friends just to be stupid, and while everyone around is telling me that I should stop, seems that nobody realizes why I can't.
Playing with a little kid was fun, probably the highlight of it all.
Got smacked in the face with a frisbee today, and it wasn't nearly the hardest hit I received.
"I'm sorry."
"Not as sorry as I am. In my head, I see us together, happy. Getting past the obvious difficulties. I see you as the person I want to be with more than anything, more than anyone else. I see a future. I see the girl who makes me happy, I see my best friend. I see the one I'd wait for as long as I know there's something to wait for. My inspiration, my reason for trying, why I bother doing anything. I see you, in my head. All the time."
"I'm really very sorry, I don't know what else I can say."
"Me neither, so I'll leave it at that."
Friday, July 16, 2010
Inception: Spoiler-Free Review
The trailer for Inception has been circulating like hot gossip since it's err, inception, and I haven't seen or heard anyone call it anything less than stellar. Sporting an ensemble cast that includes Leonardo DiCaprio, Ellen Page, Michael Caine, Ken Watanabe, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Tom Berenger to name a few, it's also produced by two of the three people who brought you The Dark Knight, Christopher Nolan and (the less-hyped) Emma Thomas.
It's been a while since I went into a movie with big expectations (Avatar, The Dark Knight, Iron Man 2, Transformers), and they've been mixed experiences to say the least. Coming into Inception though, I was already expecting big things from the trailer and from a friend's tweet that went something like "INCEPTION IS THE BEST MOVIE EVER MADE OMFG". Granted, some people can go over the top with snap judgments on big movies after watching them, but I usually trust his taste. Usually.
You know how some films seem very disjointed or fragmented, and when it all falls into place, when everything clicks, you get that one defining moment of "Whoa"? Yeah, that's what you get here. The feeling that the movie is purposefully made to boggle the mind and leave you on the very brink of understanding permeates throughout, with a multi-layered (in more ways than one) plot and complex characters. With so much going on, though, it doesn't race ahead of the viewers' ability to understand the intricacies of the world of Inception, the rules of the game and how everything fits together.
Nearly everything is either open to logical and reasonable assumptions come the end, or explained really well anyway during the 140+ minutes of the film. Another plus, I hate movies that are under two hours. Didn't expect anything less though, given the sheer scope of this project.
DiCaprio gives a really good performance (as usual) of Cobb, someone gifted in the art of corporate espionage, with secrets to hide as well as uncover. But then he almost always delivers, as just about every one of his films have shown. Joseph Gordon-Levitt, of 3rd Rock and 10 Things and 500 Days acclaim (what's with the numbers?) is an actor I've always enjoyed watching, and I believe this is the first time I've seen him in a big-budget action movie, and he more than stepped up. Ellen Page is another one I really like, from Hard Candy to Juno and even her cameo in X-Men. There's Michael Caine, ever elegant and captivating, even if his screen time is limited. Ken Watanabe and his iconic accent and steely gaze also does brilliantly. It dawned on me near the end that Cillian Murphy is actually The Scarecrow from Nolan's Batman films too.
Batman count:
Christopher Nolan/Emma Thomas
Impostor Ra's Al Ghul
One thing evident from the trailer is that the score is big and epic. During the film, too, the music sets the eerie and surreal tone that everything else explores. It inspires awe and takes your breath away, together with the stunning visuals and heart-racing action. I actually caught myself on the edge of my seat, holding my breath in anticipation a couple of times. Even the humor that's placed in the dialogue works, and doesn't take away or detract from anything, unlike some other examples.
Perhaps the best thing about the movie is the way it got an entire theatre to go "Oh shiiiiiiiiit" at the same time, myself and lovely companion included. That was quite awesome. The only thing that bugged me is how the ending is desperately similar to another DiCaprio movie (I won't say which), but then it isn't exactly a bad thing. Makes you think, like the rest of the movie. Definitely not a brainless film, far from it. You have to think about almost everything that takes place, and even then you might be debating it with others for a while. In a good way.
In the end, Inception is a mind-blowing movie that might not be mind-blowingly good, but comes damn close. Definitely one of the best movies in recent memory, and obvious puns about how it's a dream movie aside, it's definitely something that everyone should watch. As I said to a friend after the film,
"It's awesome. Sit down, shut up, pay attention, think about it, and enjoy."
Can't really go wrong with Jack, Juno, Tommy, Katsumoto, Scarecrow and Alfred in The Matrix eh?
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Predators: Spoiler-Free Review!
Infra-vision and F-bombs aplenty in the 2010 installment of the series, produced in part by Robert Rodriguez. I loved Desperado and Sin City, but then this follows Alien vs Predator and Alien vs Predator: Requiem, and so I didn't really have my hopes up for the film, especially being the huge fan of the franchise itself. Sort of like Transformers, come to think of it. And we all know how that turned out.
Watching it at Cineleisure Orchard, the first thing that struck me was the fact that the advertisements and trailers were craptacular. Sure, there's the Inception one that everyone has seen and loved about fourteen times the past week, but other than that, meh. Not really the fault of anyone to do with Predators itself, so I'll move on.
I'll start with the good. The best part of the movie, for me, was the fact that just about all the music seems to be from the original Predator film. Even at the end, as out of place as it is, I really liked it No "Get to tha choppa!" but there's the music from the other choppa, so that's good enough for me. That and the very early re-introduction to chaingun carnage in deep forest vegetation already scored some points. Of course, music and bullets will never make a film, and Adrien Brody is no Arnold Schwarzenegger. I'm not even sure if that's how you spell it.
The characters involved in the film aren't totally developed, but that can be forgiven, seeing as how you'd expect as much from a film where one expects most of them to die off really quickly anyway. Early on you'll be able to tell who are the "main" ones and which of the others are really just fodder for the shoulder-cannon-toting extraterrestrials.
Trivia: The term "Xenomorph" is used to describe the "Aliens" from Alien (duh) and AVP, but there are no definitive term for Predators. However, "Yautja" is used in some books I have read, and I believe another one is "Hish".
Early on, I turn to my buddy and go "That's Eric Foreman, right?" "Yeah, Venom.". Still weird.
Many new things are introduced to the Predator universe in this movie, not least the "dogs" that are seen in some early shots that a few people have seen a while back. Writing this now, it strikes me that they look alarmingly like Felhunters from World of Warcraft. This, of course, must surely mean that Warlocks will be able to spec into Predator come the newest expansion. Hmm, tempting.
No classic things like self-destruct mini-nukes or Xena flying discs or telescopic spears though. Pity.
The plot isn't the strongest, but then when has a Predator film been based on one? That being said, though, it isn't stupid, though a few spots will leave you scratching your head in confusion. Think about it later, however, and most of it makes sense. Some things like the rather convenient placement of certain weapons may raise a few eyebrows, but one could probably jot that down to some reasonable explanation, but still. That and the aforementioned Felhunters seem to have god-like endurance. One or two other things other than character vitality can be guessed early on, but that doesn't detract from the film too much. I actually called something the minute it happened, and was rather pleased when I was right, but then the manner of which it played out was a nice surprise, though admittedly strange.
Final verdict? If you're a fan of the Predator universe, you'll probably like it. It's still a long, long way away from the first one, and if you take the whole crossover universe into account, it would rank fourth, behind that and the first two Alien movies (singular and plural).
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Dog Eat Dog
So the afore-mentioned video has caused quite a stir on the interwebz, and while I think that the woman in frame shouldn't be defended at all, the vast majority of comments that have come to light because of the video are laughable, at best.
"i dun even wanna c the vid, but i hope she dies"
Two hilarious excerpts I've quoted without even trying.
Now, before I go on, I want to make it crystal clear that I am not supportive of the woman in question in any way, but am only making a personal assessment on the situation that has come about from this whole thing.
Moving on.
It's all little over-the-top, don't you think? I know people who regularly and enthusiastically stalk drunken girls in clubs, looking for openings. Or people who are willing and able to cheat on their significant others in a heartbeat, with nearly anyone who shows a passing interest. Those who seek to sow discord among people he names friends, not to mention steal money from playing poker.
Should these people burn in hell too (considering it exists)? Some say yes. And if these people, this lady is an otherwise model citizen, does that account for anything?
More amusing still, is how some can be so quick to hop on the "Kill-The-Bitch" bandwagon when they, by their own admission, have not seen what has happened. Granted, the description may be vivid enough, but calling for someone's head and blood to be shed is a little too dramatic when you haven't even considered the evidence yourself.
What strikes me as strange, though, is the manner of which the SPCA has gone about inciting this bloodlust among the otherwise calm and serene animal-lovers that troll Facebook and social media. According to them, they were "directed" to the video on YouTube, and are now seeking assistance in identifying the woman. This raises two glaring points in my little mind.
1. It isn't too difficult to click on the name of the user who posted the YouTube video in the first place, and send him/her a private message. I've tried, it takes a grand total of two clicks.
2. Why share the video on Facebook as one of "their" videos and not the YouTube link itself, thereby removing the opportunity for the motivated Facebookers to do some pseudo-sleuthing of their own?
An argument that can (and will) be raised is that there may be more than one of the videos circulating on Google's YouTube, with more made as I type this. Fair enough. So look for the one posted first. If the SPCA can take the time to rip it off YouTube and repost it as their own video on Facebook, they can get the person who did that for them to look at the dates and times that YouTube dutifully and digitally records and displays.
But what then? The originator of the video is obviously a relative or friend of the woman. Will he/she give her up? Probably not, you might think. Then why post it in the first place?
This whole dog fiasco has left me with more amusement than anything, though I feel for the pup. Still, it's still my personal opinion that it would be prudent for everyone to take a look at things rationally, and realize that there's always more to it than what appears on the surface. Animal cruelty is bad, very bad, but it often takes many forms, and people have to take the time to think before saying anything stupid sometimes.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
"That's not going to make things any easier."
"I know. A big part of me knows it's not going to happen. Really. But that other part is hoping that she'll wake up one day and change her mind. I have to be there if she does."
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Just Another Day
It was a special day. Saw people I didn't expect, people who make me feel better. But then had to watch, remember, talk about, share, listen to and look at a few difficult, sometimes heart-wrenching things while most of them smiled. I'm happy for them, of course. Just tired of it all sometimes. Sometimes the truth is exhausting.
Friday, July 09, 2010
"Thanks for dinner, and driving everywhere."
"You don't have to thank me. A long time ago I promised you I'd do everything I could to make things good and to spend time with you. I meant it then, mean it now. Thank you for letting me spend today with the people who matter most to me."
"It was nothing much."
"Still means the world to me."
You do. Thank you for the birthday present, and the hug.
Thursday, July 08, 2010
I find myself online at 5.33 in the morning, after just getting home from work. Spain beat Germany in a thoroughly engaging game, and I didn't kill myself or anyone else while driving in a semi-comatose state.
Been having a lot of things run through this head of mine the past few days, as well as spending quite a bit of cash though that's a forgivable rarity, and it was worth it.
See how it goes, I guess, though that's always been the case eh?
Don't always get what we want, or have things turn out the way we'd like.