Monday, August 21, 2006

In Sickness and In Health

So I woke up this dreary morning sneezing. Well, I woke up after my phone beeped, then I sneezed. Rolled over in my queen-sized bed that houses one occupant, pushed aside the covers and pilows that have conspired to entwine themselves in my limbs during the night and sneezed. I hate being sick.

Not too many people know this, but there was a time last year where I was hospitalised for about ten days or so (might have been eleven) due to dengue fever. Gasp! Yes, dengue fever. The dengue fever. I think it got eventualy tracked down to some irresponsible old lady's house along my street, but of course, I wasn't alone in the hospital, I was warded up with my dad. Thank God the room had cable.

So he'd been in there for a few days when I started feeling woozy at work, so I reported sick to the Medical Officer (MO) in my camp, mentioned that I felt sore, headaches, fever, etc. Also made a point to say that my father had just been admitted for dengue. He saw fit to have a blood sample taken from me by a jittery army medic, and told me he'd call when the results came back.

I was admitted the next day, after my mom decided that me looking like crap and not being able to move much was a bad sign. Maybe it was just the latter.

Three days into my glorious stay in the hospital, I got a phone call from the MO.

"Is it Mohamed Nazreen? Yes, uh, your results, for the blood test ah, came back and... it's a positive for dengue fever."

"Umm, ok. I'm in the hospital now already."


So the next few days were hell, being so weak I could hardly threaten a child, the food being craptacular, and visitors waking me up whenever I finally got to sleep. Since I was watching ESPN at night.

It didn't, help, of course, that this happened right after the passing of my grandpa and my "separation" with Khadi (who did come to visit me).

Dengue sucketh. But thankfully, it subsided after a few days, though the staff at East Shore hospital took it upon themselves to keep me in there (alone now) for a few more days "just in case". Right. Just in case they needed more cash huh?

Anyway, a happy ending ensued, I got back together with Khadi, a full recovery befell me soon after, and now all I am plagued with is the occasional flu.


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