Saturday, August 19, 2006

By Popular Demand


I told someone about this place.

And by popular demand, here's the story of the best part of my life (cheesy, eh?)

I got to know her, well... six, almost seven years ago maybe? Man, time flies. By the good graces of the all-powerful IRC, Galaxynet's very own #tkmalay, under the watchful eye of Q, Kableguy (or was it Da_Ace?) and JerSeY^15 (?) started chatting on a regular basis.

That was in the good ol' days, when everyone of course rushed home after school and went online to type excessive rants into the chatbox, hoping to appear cool and collected in front of their peers, and more importantly, the opposite sex. What did I do? I'm not very sure, to be honest, other than the above.

I'm pretty sure she private messaged me first (cue for the kembangness), and we apparently hit it off (or she was faking interest, something I hear women do very well). So our little liasons in #tkmalay eventually evolved into me paging her (yes, paging.)

"So uh, yeah. You...asked me to page this is me paging you"

OMG I was sooooo suave back then (/sarcasm)

Fast forward a little, one surprise movie at Suntec Centre, one trip together to a dance/cheerleading competition, one Evening of Music and Drama, and one all-important conversation with her good friend (online of course).

Me: Do I sound desperate?
Her: Well, you sound like you're in love.
Me: Uh...
Her: Look at it this way, she talks to you everyday, and she doesn't talk to her best friends nearly as much.

So came the plan, to page her and profess my adoration, my adulation, at the stroke of midnight, on her birthday. Nope. Didn't work. Ended up talking through the night, and after hanging up, I was no closer to sounding her than I had been at any point of my then litle screwy life.

Back to voice paging!

And then the little drama of the next day, leading to the first day of the rest of my life, the best part of it so far. (Insert big smiley face)

So there's the history of Khadi and Naz, we've been through alot, we've got a long way to go. I love her (you, I know you're gonna read this soon), and I mean it today, as much as I have ever, and as much as I will ever.

PS: Hard Candy kind of sucks.

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