Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Doha: Day 5 - Diving Days

Strange day today, though that's true of every one since I've landed in the Middle East.

No rush to get anywhere, being the day off for the week, and yet I got up much earlier than expected. Decided then to take a swim, doing as many laps as I could before the shoulder started to act up. Nowhere near Michael Phelps, of course, but kinda pleased regardless.

Then to breakfast, where the team of Indonesians have taken a particular interest in chatting me up since discovering I'm able to join in in their conversations. I haven't spoken this much Malay or Bahasa over the span of a few days since the days I was in Secondary School.

Back to the room then, to start to seriously look at properties to live in once the time at the Marriott is up. Found a few decent places, including the one suggested by a colleague to share, which may just be the best bet. Still, fairly pleased that I managed to find a couple of options that were both within budget and not stupidly far from the office, and got called by two agents who promised to get back to me with a list of potential places to view next week.

Everything's moving both really quickly and still too slowly for my liking, so I decided to take some time and go... grocery shopping.


Didn't actually buy much though, just some supplies to keep me alive when I'm too tired/lazy/nonplussed to grab dinner after a long day of (non?) work. Good news? Nothing is more expensive than it is in Singapore. Bad news? Nothing is cheaper than it is in Singapore. Worse news? No Peanut Butter Cup Ben & Jerry's.

Maybe I can go for another swim tomorrow, though I first need to find out what time I'm actually expected in the office.

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