As we sat there, I noticed that the table had gone quiet. Now, my family has never been a very talkative one (at least among ourselves; my sister once said of her lack of smiling at gatherings: "It's because I hate being here.") but this was rather eerie. It was as if I had gone deaf, or that some beings had come and stolen everyone's voices, like that awesome episode on Buffy (called Hush, highly recommend). Looking up, I then saw the reason for the all-conquering silence.
Someone explain to me why I bothered to have dinner with my family when every single one of them seemed more intent on being transfixed to their little phones (Apple or other fruits) instead of those around them. Please.
Lots of people going crazy over a small black gadget that promises endless entertainment, unlimited convenience and everything from driving directions to the answer to life, the universe and everything. I, for one, am not amused.
I'm not even going to talk about the mass of people spamming things like FACETIME and the like on the various social media platforms that we're all slaves to, or how the general populace have been so efficiently ensnared and enthralled by the promises and promotions of the various TelCom companies. Rather, it was that single poignant incident a few hours ago that finally drove me over the edge, as it were.
Not the first time this kind of incident has pissed me off, and each time it does it reminds me of how someone I know once suggested leaving the phones in the car or somewhere else when spending time together. I still think that's one of the best ideas I've heard in a while.
Of course, I'm in line to get me one of these little demon-trinkets as well, though I'd like to believe I won't be guilty of such behavior. Have to ask yourself, though, why bother trying to maintain things face-to-face when everyone is more interested in face-to-screen. I would think that I, because of past history, might be better positioned to speak of the merits of computer (or at least technology-) mediated communication, but this is really taking it too far.
After several minutes, mother dearest noticed my vexation at the situation, and smiled. She then proceeded to go back to her phone. It's a bad apple we have in our midst, ladies and gentlemen, though one that isn't going to get sifted out anytime soon I'm sure.
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