Monday, September 27, 2010

Clubbed to Death

I like the instrumental track by Rob D, especially the mix that was used in The Matrix. The video is a little weird, but the song is still kick-ass. But this isn't about piano keys and bass, this is about clubbing. At least my take on it.

Many people have their own views on clubbing. Some are all for it, and some abhore the habit. Or addiction. I've been to clubs before, and I think that - OK, I've been to a club before, and I think it's alright I guess, if you're into that kind of thing.

I'm not.

Some choose to walk through the smoky doors of a dimly-lit, wall-thumping club to have fun. Well, I guess you could say everyone goes there to have fun, but the catch is that definitions of fun differ greatly from person to person. I'd think watching Tremors and laughing at cheesy movie effects is fun, but others might only classify the F-word as being drunk out of your mind in a room full of equally-drunk people. The exception, of course, would be the designated drivers who would be body-shakin while maintaining a soberly outlook on life. At least that's what most of us hope.

Many of my close friends enjoy clubbing. I don't. As I've mentioned so eloquently before, crowds aren't my cup of tea. I hate tea anyway. I don't frown on people who do indulge themselves, though. It's just...

Sometimes it's difficult to not look around the Web for any seemingly innocent material before you are assaulted with a multitude of gyrating torsos promising fun and funk at any random club VIP room. And I go "Wait a minute..."

Now, this isn't me saying I don't, can't or won't trust someone who likes to club particularly often (to my liking, at least), but it's just the other people I don't trust. It's just the other drunk people I don't trust. You could meet the first Singapore Idol or some supposed TV-star there, but it still doesn't change the fact that things do happen at clubs. And not all of it is fun.

Simply put, many people club looking to have a good time. Now, there are good times and there are good times. Forgetting that you have a significant other and making out with a stranger isn't my idea of a good time, but it happens as most of you very well know. I'm lucky enough to not have had to deal with that (to a certain degree...), but listening to stories from various sources is indeed very disconcerting.

(Overheard from random fella, translated for your benefit)

"Oh man, you know I was Zouk yesterday and there was this HOT chick. I don't know who she is, never found out her name, but she was high man, HIGH. We were dancing and before I knew it, her tongue was in my mouth!"

Of course, the source of this monologue would be a rather obnoxious fellow that, if anything, smells. Over the pungent aroma of too many vodkas and cigs.

But the fact of the matter is that such things do happen, and sometimes I worry. Maybe it's me being paranoid. I was reassured all the time by the other girls that they'll "take care" of the others. Now, I don't mean to be rude, but you don't exactly put up a brilliant picture of confidence when you're staggering to the ladies (in a group, of course) to puke.

But I'd still not stand in the way of anyone going to a club, of course. Especially since most invite me to tag along anyway so I can see first-hand the grinding of people trying to look cool and fit in.

Well, I guess that's the end of my tirade. Not much else to say, really. Like I said at the start, nothing against clubbers, and no offence to anyone who might have been implicated here. Go! Club! Drink! Enjoy!

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