Thursday, November 04, 2010


I drive to the area I know so well, the place I seem to gravitate towards even now, with little reason to. I do have a reason now though, and pass through the familiar roads and lanes slowly, reliving past smiles. The reason disappears suddenly, and I am left somewhat stranded, and frustrated. A walk will do, one thinks.

Glass doors and soft lights to my left, I move along, and suddenly I find myself at a place known very well, though never been. At the portal, at the threshold I stand, and a voice drifts from the small stage of the place, and I find myself amazed and quite confounded to see a certain short and non-singing friend performing (or attempting to perform) some manner of song. Chuckling, I start to move into the cafe, but suddenly I notice a group of people sitting comfortably on the armchairs and sofas of Central Perk, oblivious to my semi-entrance. Prudently, I step back out, and ponder over my next move. I decide to leave, for lingering would be of little use other than to aggravate a situation already lost.

Dropping down into the driver's seat, I reach for the ignition, and as I turn the key, the passenger door opens and another figure lowers herself into the seat comfortably. For a fleeting instant, my hopes soar, and then I realize who it is. Someone else.

"Why didn't you come in?"

"I didn't think the rest of them, or at least one of them, would want me to."


"That's what happened the last time. I was told not to come for dinner on Friday."

"But who said that? And wh - "

And the phone rang and I woke up.

I hate dreams sometimes.

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