Sunday, November 04, 2007

Double Jeopardy

What do you do when you are wrongly accused, judged and punished for something that you didn't do? Do you come out of the whole ordeal and try to make amends for whatever had contributed to the whole situation?

Or do you go ahead and do what you are said to have done and be what you are called?

I loved the concept of double jeopardy that was the focal point in the movie of the same name. You can't get punished twice for the exact same crime once you've been handed and have served your sentence. Woman is accused of killing husband, goes to prison, comes out and sees husband. Plots to kill him. In public.

In real life, few such dramatics occur (You blow his head off in the middle of Mardi Gras and walk away) though it can be equally argued that life is but a play and we are but players in this huge drama.

When someone is wrongly accused of something, despite his denial, by someone supposedly close to him, what are his options?

When you judge someone guilty, you can only really do it once.

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